Saturday, July 14, 2012

Bonjour Paris! (Only, I haven't quite left yet...)

Bonjour Everyone! Which is probably no one, since I haven't told anyone I've decided to blog a little! But that is totally beside the point! I'm testing this out a little, curious to see if blogging is for me. I figure though, what better way then to test it out right when I'm about to do something I think is pretty cool! It's July 14th, 2012 which means that in seven weeks and two days I will be on a plane to Paris, France where I'll spend 8+ months studying at Pole ESG! In my eight months abroad I plan to further my Business Information Systems degree and study hard, (yes Dad and Mom, I strategically placed studying as number one on my list of what I plan to do) but also experience French culture and travel to as many European cities as I possibly can! I've been wanting to study abroad since I was in high school, and now I finally get the opportunity and I could not be more excited. Eight months in France, what else could I possibly wish for?!

It has been no walk in the park so far though. Dealing with course transfers, insurance and, right now, obtaining a visa, have all proved to be incredibly stressful tasks. I wish there was an easy button here, because I feel like there is so much I don't know about the process and it could be a lot more straight forward than I've made it out to be. It's all going to be worth it though I'm sure. I hope! And everyone has been really helpful, asking people they know that have been to France or studied in Paris, I don't know what I would have done without the advice I've gotten from everyone on how to do the little things!

My Visa appointment is this week in Los Angeles! Can I just mention a few things that I need to bring up there? Proof that I currently have $820 per month that I'll be spending in France, three forms for entrance (all in French, it was fun depicting those!) a crazy long application and 17 other articles, copies or photos so they can allow me to live there for a year! I have a 15 minute slot and if I am one minute late or don't have enough copies of everything they need, the next appointment is the last week of August, which is not enough time to process any sort of visa! When my passport is stamped, I'll probably be the happiest girl in the world. Also, I'll go buy myself In N Out burger to celebrate (but if we're being honest here, it's because I'm totally going to miss that place when I'm in France!)

I can't wait to start this adventure! I am counting down the days before I get to move to Paris! I'll check in later when something cool happens, but for now I'll just go on planning and hoping that everything falls into place!

Au revoir!

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